Keys to Lasting Love: Expert Advice for Building a Strong and Fulfilling Marriage


Steffan Addison

. 2 min read

We have all heard or read the statistic that states that half of all marriages eventually end in divorce. Over Cupid's dead body! Love is not a gift that is given to you; rather, it is a unique form of learned behavior that must be developed. WebMD spoke with professionals in the fields of marriage and relationships, including Howard Markham, PhD, co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver and co-author of Fighting for Your Marriage, through video chat. Together, they shared the best advice for a successful marriage and the five keys to a love that lasts a lifetime.

Create a Cozy Atmosphere in Your Home

Make it so that the two of you actually want to spend time together in the space that you create. The Danish women I've known have taught me how important this is. You never want the atmosphere in your house to be like that of a workplace or a hotel room that the two of you are just passing through. The women I talked to enthusiastically supported the idea of a newlywed couple establishing a warm and welcoming abode

Don't ignore your romantic side

The French are responsible for providing us with this piece of advice. Put away your phone before you sit down to eat, and don't overlook the fact that getting dressed up can be a lot of fun. Stay away from the enticing idea of spending all of your time together lounging around in your sweatpants.

Find a partner who brings out the best in you

My mother advised me in a letter to "go into marriage as an equal a complete equal." You don't need to find someone to complete you because you already are complete in and of yourself, despite what you may have seen in romantic comedies.

Maintain Your Strength Even in Difficult Times

When things get difficult, it's important to persevere even if you aren't being emotionally or physically abused. My mom had written in an email that "there are bound to be rough patches." "Don't forget that the promise you made was to God, not to the other person."

Accept the Responsibilities that are yours to Fulfill within the Marriage

"When you are in denial about your part in the relationship, then you are no better than a child throwing sand at another child in a sandbox. When you take responsibility for your part in the marriage, only then will you be able to connect with your partner in a mature, intimate way." Carin Goldstein, LMFT "When you are in denial about your part in the relationship, then you are no better than a child throwing sand at another child in a

Exhibit love and concern for one another

"Hold hands, rub shoulders, hug, kiss, give high-fives or even fist-bumps or bottom pats. When you give a quick hug or kiss, try to lengthen it to at least 5 or 10 seconds for more effective results!" Lori Lowe, MA "Holding hands, rubbing shoulders, hugging, kissing, giving high-fives or even fist-bumps or bottom pats."

You have the power to improve your marriage simply by improving yourself

Couples who have been together for a long time have realized that trying to alter the behavior of their partner is similar to pulling on a rope; it is nearly impossible. Frequently, the only person in our marriages that we are able to change is ourselves.

When you get married, a lot of the time you have to fight the battle between your ears

The partners in a healthy marriage have developed the ability to put aside personal grievances and avoid dwelling on the relationship's history. They are aware of the fact that not only did they marry an imperfect person, but so did their partner.

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